Well, this is it. I’ve been back in the States for a little over a week, and ever day I have done everything possible to avoid writing this post (*cough cough* hours of Netflix *cough cough*). I’m not quite ready to say goodbye yet, but I’m not sure if I ever will be, so here it goes.
There were many wonderful things about my last few days in Bath: spending time with my friends, Final Tea with the entire program, and the anticipation of free time and seeing my family. However, there were also lots of less than wonderful things: primarily finals (I do not like timed essays. Let’s leave it at that) and, you know, leaving.
This mix of good and bad is something that I feel I need to focus on. As time pushes me further and further away from Bath, I am only going to remember it more and more fondly. But every day there were things I liked and things I didn’t, things that made me want to stay forever and things that made me want to leave immediately. I tended to only put the glossy fun parts on this blog, but there were plenty of things that I didn’t like as well. But this is true of my college, of being a homeschooler, of everything—such is life, yes?
I’m not saying that I had a miserable time or anything—in fact, quite the opposite. I just think that it is important to remember my experience how it really was, with all of the downs and the ups. That being said, I know I will remember my experience abroad forever. Bath helped me try new things and gave me friends I know I will have for a very, very long time. Bath let me write papers on my favorite topics and see so many places I had desperately wanted to see. Bath made me (a little) less scared of flying and helped me become a significantly more independent person.
Thank you all for listening. I’ve really loved keeping this blog and sharing my experiences with you. Who knows, maybe I’ll start another one?
We love you, and are glad to have spent time in Bath with you -- also glad you're back! Small editorial moment: I believe it's OK over time for the "down" memories to fade. Otherwise, no woman would give birth to her 2nd child. :)