Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sir Ian Sir Ian Sir Ian

So last night I got Ian McKellan's autograph. And then we had a semi-conversation with him. I am honestly still freaking out about it!!

On Thursday night several of us went to see him in The Syndicate, which was in Bath this past week. Last night most of my housemates and I went to the stage door in an attempt to get his autograph. I was the first in line, and to say that we were slightly terrified would not be an exaggeration. After several other actors came out, he finally emerged. I asked him if he would mind signing my program. He said that he didn't, put down his suitcase, took my sharpie, and promptly went to take a picture with one of the other actor's family. Which means (not to be, you know, embarrassingly fangirl-ish or anything) he temporarily stole my (well, one of my house mate's) sharpie! He then came back and graciously signed my program (and gave me back the sharpie). As he was moving on to sign the programs of the rest of the lovely ladies I came with, he asked us how we liked the show, where we were seated (for the record, as far away as possible), and if we could see and hear alright from so far back (so lovely!). He let us know that if we were interested, we could see some of the other productions of the playwright's work on youtube. One of my housemates got up the courage to ask him if many of the author's plays have been translated into English, and he replied that most of them had not. We thanked him again and departed, completely high on having talked with Ian McKellen. Can I just reiterate one more time that not only did we get autographs, but we talked to Gandalf last night!!

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